Hot Water Exercise.
It has been used for thousands of years as an effective treatment for a variety of physical ailments. Doing hydrotherapy at home offers convenience, privacy, and conditions which more adequately suit the healing process.
Hot water from a spa can dramatically increase the therapeutic value of the effects of exercise. Using the three main components of a good exercise program (massage, exercise and stretching) with a minimal amount of time, one can begin feeling the benefits almost immediately.
What Happens When You Exercise In Hot Water?
Initially, the body experiences a temporary increase in blood pressure as the circulatory system quickly responds to the increase in body temperature caused by the hot water of the spa. Then the blood rushes to the skin surface where it increases in temperature, causing the blood vessels to expand and the blood pressure to drop down again. The rush of warmed blood then penetrates deeper into the tissue below the skin, bringing in more oxygen.
The rise in body temperature increases the amount of oxygen your body uses and the waste material it excretes. This will also increase your heart and respiration rate, which is actually a beneficial effect, helping your body to eliminate metabolic waste products and to move toxins out of the body tissues.
Some Basic Spa Exercises
Shoulder Lifts:
Stand or sit comfortably but as straight and tall as possible. Try to extend your spine with your chin pointed straight head. Now, bring the shoulders straight up without crunching your neck or allowing it to contract below your normal shoulder level. Hold the raised shoulder posture for at least 6 seconds. Breathe normally during the entire process! Now, slowly relax the shoulders into a normal position repeat this entire process at least 5 more times.
Shoulder Circles:
Similar to the shoulder lift, this exercise is completed by making full circles. Without raising your arms or moving the torso or head, bring your shoulders as far forwards as possible, then raise them as high as possible without tightening or "turtling" the neck. Then bring them back as far as possible for a moment before dropping them as far down as you can go. The idea is to make full and complete rotations without crunching the neck.
Head Rock:
Stand or sit comfortably but as straight and tall as possible. Now, turn your head to the left as far as possible without pain, being sure to keep your shoulders as low as possible and hold for 6 seconds. Then move your head toward the ceiling as far as it will go while still looking to the left. After holding this position for 6 seconds, move your head slowly as low as it will go again, without pain. Return your head to the neutral position and repeat the same exercise to the right.
Back Arch/Back Sag:
Get down on your hands and knees with your weight evenly distributed. Gently arch your back upward and let your head drop down. Hold this posture for at least 6 seconds. Slowly begin to flatten your back and relax your stomach and back muscles so that the small of your back drops down. At the same time, slowly raise your head so that you are looking directly in front of you. Hold this position for at least 6 seconds and then repeat the exercise at least 5 times.
Standing Back Arch/Back Sag:
While standing, rest your hand and weight on your knees. Arch the small of your back upward, squeezing your stomach muscles in toward your spine. Hold this posture for at least 6 seconds. Now, drop your lower back by relaxing your stomach muscles letting the curve reverse. As you reverse the curve, raise your head to an upright position and hold for at least 6 seconds. Repeat this exercise at least 5 times.
Knee Walk:
Recline against the wall of the spa until you are nearly lying down. Depending on your body size, a lounge may be the perfect place. Now, place your left palm on your left kneecap and your right palm on your right kneecap. Slowly "walk" your knees back and forth. Breath normally and perform this exercise for at least 30-60 seconds or as many times as you like. This exercise can be performed with or without the hands and the range of knee-walking mobility can be increased as desired.
Knee Circles:
While in the same position as the knee walk, place both hands on your knees and slowly rotate your knees in a circular motion. Move at a comfortable speed for at least 30-60 seconds. The range of motion in this exercise may be as great or as limited as is comfortable. Making larger circles will increase muscular strength and also add strength to the abdominal muscles.
Pelvic Tilt:
Stand with your knees slightly bent and hands at your sides. Now, flatten the curve of your lower back by sucking your stomach in toward your back and lifting the bottom of your pelvis up. Hold this backward tilt for at least 6 seconds. Repeat this exercise at least 5 times. This same exercise can be done in a reclining position or while seated.