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Before You Buy a Hot Tub

Before You Buy a Hot Tub

There are several things to consider before venturing out to purchase a hot tub.

The first decision is where the tub is going to be located. Once that decision has been made, it is good to mark out the size of the tub with tape so you can visualize how much space it is actually going to take up. This will also help you decide if there is room for stairs, an umbrella or other accessories that you are looking to add to your new addition.

If the tub is going to be placed on a deck, be sure that the deck can support the additional weight. If it is going to be mounted on the ground it is recommended that no less than 2.5 inches of concrete is used as a base.

Also, don’t forget the power to run the tub. A hot tub requires a ground fault breaker and anywhere from 40 – 60 amps of power. If there has never been a tub on your electrical panel, make certain that you have enough spare amperage available. If you are not certain, have your electrician do a load calculation for you.