Coast Spas is BC's very own spa manufacturer. That means local jobs and quality builds. When you are looking at a Coast Spa hot tub you can feel confident that it will give you years of relaxation. This year Coast has brought in some new models for you. The ELEMENT, and the APEX. Both offer loads of standard features and options to choose from.
If you don't fancy all the bells and whistles, the same models are available in Coast's economy line "Northwind"
These tubs have the same seating configuration but offer less options and standard features.
The Comfort Zone Mobility Aids & Spas in Port Alberni would be happy to tell you all about these great tubs, or check out the handy feature on Coast's website "build your own tub". Just put your wishlist together, click submit and your request will be sent to your nearest dealer. In a short amount of time you will receive back a quote.
The Comfort Zone also offers our customers an on site assessment to help you determine any upgrades that may be needed before you install your new tub. Hope to hear from you soon!