WARM UP and stretch
Hold a soft weight ball in each hand. Alternate elbow curls while walking.
Golf Swing
Start with the soft weight ball in your hands with your arms down. Simulate a golf swing, emphasizing proper technique using your legs, trunk and arms.
Side Bend
Stand, holding the soft weight ball in your hands overhead. Bend your trunk to the side, keeping your hips straight. Return to the starting position and repeat on your other side.
Overhead Throw
Simulate throwing the ball over your head. Incorporate your arms, legs and trunk as you follow through the throw.
Back Extension
Begin in a kneeling position over an exercise ball. Holding a soft weight ball in each hand with your elbows straight and hips on the ball, lift your trunk upwards while holding your arms at shoulder level. Do not hyperextend your back or neck. Slowly return to the starting position.
Abdominal Crunch
Lay on your back with your knees bent at 90 degrees. Place the soft weight ball between your knees and squeeze as you lift your shoulders off the floor. Hold and return to the starting position.
Lay on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the floor. Place the soft weight ball between your knees and hold. Squeeze and lift your buttocks off the floor. Hold and slowly return to the starting position. Extend one leg at a time to progress exercise.
Reverse Crunch
Lay on your back with your knees bent at 90 degrees. Place the soft weight ball between your knees. Curl your knees upward towards your chest as you lift your buttocks off the floor. Slowly return to the starting position.
Oblique Twist
Lay on your back with your knees bent and the soft weight ball held at chest level. Lift one shoulder off the floor toward the opposite knee, rotating your trunk. Return to the starting position and repeat on your opposite side.
Lay on your stomach with your back and neck straight. Support your head on a folded towel or another soft weight ball. Hold the soft weight in one hand with your arms extended over head. Lift your arms and legs off the ground and hold. Slowly return to the starting position.
Bicep Curls
Begin seated on an exercise ball or standing with your feet hip width apart. Hold a soft weight ball in each hand with your arms extended at your side. Slowly bend your elbows, curling your hands toward your shoulders. Slowly return to the starting position.
Front Raise
Begin seated on an exercise ball or standing with feet hip width apart. Hold a soft weight ball in each hand with your palms facing down. Raise your arms in front of you to shoulder level, and slowly return to the starting position
Bent Over Row
Begin in a kneeling position with your chest resting on an exercise ball. Hold a soft weight ball in each hand with your arms extended down at your sides. Bend your elbows upward, bringing hands towards hips. Keep your chest on the ball and your neck straight. Slowly return to the starting position.
Tricep Extension
Begin seated on an exercise ball or standing with your feet hip width apart. Hold the soft weight ball in your hand with your elbow bent and pointing upward. Place your opposite hand at your elbow to stabilize. Slowly extend your elbow, lifting your hand upward, and slowly return to the starting position.
Lateral Raise
Begin seated on an exercise ball or standing with your feet hip width apart. Hold a soft weight ball in each hand at your sides. Slowly raise arms at your sides up to shoulder height. Return to the starting position slowly.
Chest Fly
Begin lying with your back on an exercise ball with your feet firmly planted on the floor and your head supported on the ball. Hold a soft weight ball in each hand with your arms straight and extended above your chest. Slowly extend your arms out to the side with a slight bend in your elbow. Slowly return to the starting position.
Arm and Leg Raise
Begin on your hands and knees. Hold the soft weight ball in one hand. Slowly extend your arm to shoulder height, while keeping your back straight. To progress, extend the opposite leg while holding your arm extended. Repeat on your other side.
Leg Extension
Sitting in a chair, place the soft weight ball between your ankles. Extend your legs at the knee, keeping the ball steady. Hold and repeat.
Glute Press
Begin on your hands and knees with the soft weight ball held with your bent knee. Extend your foot upward and lower it toward floor, keeping your knee bent. Repeat on your opposite side. This exercise can be performed in a standing position, keeping your back straight, pressing your leg back.
Place the soft weight ball between your knees. Slowly begin to bend your knees into a partial squat, keeping your knees behind your toes and your back straight. Hold and slowly return to the starting position.
Double Leg Lift
Begin in a side-lying position with the soft weight ball between your knees. Keep your back and knees straight. Lift both your legs upward, hold and return to the starting position.
One size ball, available in six different weights.
• Easy-to-grip soft shape
• Ideal for home or gym use
Thera-Band® Soft Weights are hand-held, ball-shaped isotonic weights - a soft alternative to traditional isotonic dumbbells providing users more versatility for strength training and rehabilitation exercises. They are unique because the size of the ball, with a diameter of 4.5", does not increase as weight increases, allowing for a consistent and functional grip. This allows for either unilateral or bilateral exercise progressions, either independently, or with a partner.
Soft Weights follow the Thera-Band system of progressive exercise and are available in six color-coded weights, ranging from tan (½ kg/1.1 lbs), to black (3 kg/6.6 lbs), increasing in 1/2kg/1.1 lb. increments. Soft Weights allow users to increase weight in resistive training and rehabilitation programs without changing grip or technique, which is fundamental to the principles of progressive exercise.
In addition to traditional strengthening exercises for the upper and lower body, the Soft Weights can be used for many other applications. Their soft texture allows for functional grip or exercises for individual fingers which aid in hand and wrist rehabilitation. The Soft Weight can also be used for plyometric exercises for the upper extremity with a rebounder or mini-trampoline. Balance training or stabilization exercises can also be performed using the Soft Weight for patients with lower extremity or lower back injuries.
Each Thera-Band Soft Weight is accompanied by a guide that demonstrates proper exercises for a variety of applications.